Tests and results

If you have recently had any tests (blood tests, x-rays, etc), please call the surgery after 2pm on the day directed to enquire about the results.

General timescales for test results:

    • X-ray – 2 weeks
    • Blood test – 5 days
    • Urine test – 5 days
    • Biopsy – 1 week
    • Smear test – 2 weeks

This is just a general timescale and results can sometimes take longer to receive.

Urine protocol – Not accepting urine samples if they are just left on the front desk/need to be labelled – have a name, DOB and the reason why it’s been handed.

We are unable to accept any samples after 4pm.

Please note that, due to our strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection, we will only give out results to the person they relate to unless that person has given prior permission for their release or if they are not capable of understanding them.


Thinking about seeing a private GP?

If you choose a private GP you should not need to come back to the NHS GP for diagnostic tests or any referrals to NHS Services. These can be requested by the private GP directly Private-GPs-Poster.png