PPG updates

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of people who are registered patients of Holland House Surgery are age 16+ and want to help the practice work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff.

Why should you join the PPG?

Your experiences matter and you can bring different ideas to the surgery to help us treat patients better or to improve what we do in some way. You will also gain a better understanding of the NHS, and gather feedback from other patients. 

Holland House PPG

Formed in 2011 and continues to evolve. We aspire to provide a voice for patients on local health related matters, and a forum for feedback when new local services are being developed.

Membership of the group consists of patients and Practice representatives ie Practice Manager and a GP.


  • Robbie Jones              Chair
  • Yvonne Hocken           patient
  • Janet Robinson           patient
  • Elaine Townsend         patient
  • Barbara Weston          patient
  • Norma Whalley           patient
  • Brenda Kipling            patient
  • Jenny Trueman           patient

The Group is not a Complaints Forum.  Complaints must be made directly with the Practice Manager.

Our aims include:

  • Provide a forum for patients where they have the opportunity to collaborate with and support the Practice, and provide a patient perspective to the Practice
  • Enable, where appropriate, patients to influence local health care services
  • Put forward ideas and project lead agreed community activities including raising funds for charities from time to time

Frequency of meetings

The Group normally meet bi-monthly.  Sub groups or extraordinary meetings may be necessary to deal with specific PPG activities

We would love to hear from you if you are interested in joining our Patient Participation Group

We are very keen to have new members.  If you are interested, please email us at: [email protected]. We will then be in touch to discuss your interest and answer any questions you may have.

We are pleased to now have representatives from the Freckleton area. If you are interested in joining then please let the practice know.

Examples of the previous and ongoing projects

Our success has been down to hard work and focus, the skills of the PPG and very important the engagement with the Practice Manager and team. 

  • Involvement in the introduction of video group clinic consultations
  • Holding discussions with Medical students providing them with an opportunity to ask questions and gain a patient perspective playing a role in their training and development
  • Ongoing project to look at the support activities for those living with dementia in our area and improving it
  • Supporting patients and Holland House staff with conducting yearly flu clinics 

Pre Pandemic:

Picture for Health, a Holland House  PPG Arts for Wellbeing Project – inspired initially by the All Party Parliamentary Group report: Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing. This report provided proof that participatory arts activities help to alleviate anxiety, depression and stress both within and outside of work.  The report found the groups who participated in arts related activities had fewer GP appointments and fewer hospital appointments than the groups who did not participate in arts activities.

  • Picture for Heath aimed to raise awareness of health & wellbeing to encourage arts activities for relaxation.
  • It was intergenerational, being available for all age groups. Pupils from a local secondary school supported the project by organising and running workshops within the surgery aimed to encourage people who had never participated in Art to give it a go.
  • This exercise enriched the lives of the young people sharing their skills in workshops with the more mature population and vice versa.
  • Artwork created by patients during the project is still on display at the Freckleton Surgery.

Dementia activities

A range of events had an inter-generational aspect – students from a local school attended the events and provided support in many ways. This enriched the skills of the young people and brought much happiness to the residents at the events.  Staff, patients and local people volunteered to support the events which at the time developed the personal relationships. 

Organised a “strut your mutt” walk from the surgery to raise funds and awareness of dementia, and organised outside support organisations to be available during dementia awareness weeks.

Strengthening of relationships with patient population including 15+ Care Homes  .  This is due to community activities e.g. Dementia friendly sing-alongs at Lowther Pavilion (130 residents have attended each session)

Dementia Friends sessions delivered to over 500 people (inc. Local Community & Holland House Staff)

Organised the upgrading of the baby changing room  (actioned from the 2018 Patient Survey)

In summary we believe the projects delivered have benefitted patients and staff alike whilst advancing increased patient involvement with the PPG and Holland House  staff.

Practice Minutes 2022-23

Minutes from the most recent Patient Participation Group meeting can be found here: PPG-Meeting-Minutes-7.12.23.doc

Previous meeting minutes are found below:






